Compiling Ghostty in Void Linux

A quick guide on how to compile the new terminal Ghostty in Void Linux

Published at 28-12-2024



By the time I made wrote this, ghostty haven’t announced a way to compile Ghostty in Void Linux and neither is available in the Void Packages repo. So, there’s probably a better way to install Ghostty using xbps by the time I publish this.


In order to compile you need the following packages:

  • zig
  • gtk4-devel
  • libadwaita-devel
  • pkg-config
  • git

gtk4-devel, libadwaita-devel and zig are required for building ghostty’s UI. pkg-config is mostly required to link the files from the dependencies to build the codebase.


git clone
cd ghostty
zig build -Doptimize=ReleaseFast

According to the Ghostty documentation, for a system wide installation the following command can be used:

zig build -p /usr -Doptimize=ReleaseFast

and then you must be able to launch Ghostty from your preferred program runner.